Lace front wigs are a great way to stay in budget and still have the parting freedom offered by the lace wig range. However, deciding what type of lace is perfect for you might be a tad bit confusing. I have done some research on swiss lace wigs and here are my findings.
Swiss lace front wigs are wigs that have swiss lace along the front of part of the wig. Swiss lace is the best lace for wigs as it is the best at matching your skin tone, so the lace looks like your actual scalp/hairline. Swiss lace wigs are much finer and thinner than other wigs, thus allowing your scalp to breathe.
Keep reading to learn more about the most popular types of lace wigs, as well as learn more about what makes swiss lace wigs unique, and what to consider when buying one.
The 3 Different Types of Lace Front Wigs
Another good quality lace for lace front wigs is French lace. French lace is perfect for those who are new to wig wearing as they are the most durable type of wig lace so that it won’t tear or damage easily. Compared to Swiss lace, French lace is a bit thicker, but it will still give the illusion of a natural hairline.
There are three types of lace that are most commonly used in the production of lace front wigs. These are Swiss lace, French lace, and HD lace. We’re going to take a look at each kind and the characteristics that they have individually:
01. Swiss Lace
This is the most common lace used in the production of wigs within the lace range. Swiss lace is so common with lace wigs for two main reasons: it is thick and durable, and also it still manages to be invisible.
Swiss lace is quite thick in texture. This is important when it comes to lace used in the base of wigs because lace material is generally quite fragile. The lace used in the production of lace wigs needs to be able to support the hair that is hand-tied to it and the adhesive used to secure it. Swiss lace does this quite effectively. This is what makes it durable and perfect for the task.
Despite being quite thick, Swiss lace still manages to be very natural in appearance and easy to blend when fitting your lace front wig. Swiss lace usually comes in for standard colors that are made to match different shades of complexion and it can also be tinted without damage to match a skin tone.
02. French Lace
French lace tends to be less frequently used compared to Swiss lace when it comes to the lace wig range. However, it is still used and is perfect for any new/ beginner lace front wig wearer!
French lace is extremely strong and durable. It is much tougher than that of Swiss lace. This makes it perfect for beginners because it is so easy to damage the lace on your lace front wig when you are still learning how to install it. Having a lace base that is a bit tougher in character could help avoid any unintentional miss-happenings.
French lace also manages to look quite natural when it is worn. Although it is not as easy to hide and blend as Swiss lace, it is not impossible and can be achieved with a little bit of practice.
03. HD Lace
This type of lace is increasingly growing in popularity amongst experienced lace front wig wearers, and people are accustomed to the lace range. HD Lace (high definition lace) is extremely thin in texture. It is really fragile and almost transparent in appearance.
This is a hit amongst the expert lace wig community because it is the absolute easiest to blend and gives a completely natural scalp effect when parted. It is the Beyoncé of the lace materials!
However, if you are inexperienced with correctly using lace, you could cause irreparable damage to your HD lace front wig if you handle it incorrectly. HD lace front wigs tend to be more costly and could be an absolute loss if damaged because of incorrect use and mismanagement.
Swiss Lace vs HD Lace: A Comparison
Swiss lace and HD lace are similar in that they are both thin and fine, and high quality tends to be very fragile. Although Swiss lace is thicker than HD lace, it will only last up to 1-2 months, whereas Hd last can last up to 2-3 months.
But, what other factors do they share in common? Here is a comparison of the characteristics of both Swiss and HD lace:
Swiss Lace: | Vs. | HD Lace: |
Breathable | Breathable | |
Comfortable | Soft | |
Undetectable | Almost Transparent | |
Fragile | Extremely Fragile | |
Affordable | Expensive |
The table above basically compares the characteristics of both types of lace and by doing this shows where there is a difference.
The main noticeable differences between the two are as follows:
- The appearance
- The texture
- The price
Although Swiss lace is quite natural looking and easily blended, HD lace takes the lead here for the fact that it is almost transparent and gives the effect of a natural scalp.
Swiss lace is considered to be very comfortable when worn. Although this is so, lace tends to have a hard texture and can sometimes cause irritation. HD lace avoids this completely as it is made to be soft in texture, almost like a second layer of skin.
Swiss lace is really common and mostly because it is extremely affordable. It is a great quality product that comes at a price that doesn’t break the bank of your average working wig wearer.
However, HD lace supersedes Swiss lace in the aforementioned two areas and you, unfortunately, have to pay for that. HD lace front wigs are known for being extremely costly. Although well worth the buy, this might not be an affordability option for everyone.
5 Things To Consider When Purchasing A Swiss Lace Wig
As we have previously mentioned, buying a Swiss lace wig is usually quite affordable. However, it is dependant on other aspects of the wig, so putting a price tag of a Swiss lace Front Wig is rather difficult.
Something to consider when purchasing your swiss lace wig is how often you plan on wearing your wig. If your wig is for everyday use, you should opt for a human hair wig as they last up to a year, but they are more expensive, whereas swiss lace synthetic wigs will last up to 4-6 months and are much cheaper.
Let’s look at some of the things that could inflate the price of your swiss lace wig:
01. The Type of Wig Hair
The type of wig hair on your Swiss lace front wig will definitely have an impact on the price of your wig. Generally, Human hair wigs are noticeably more costly than synthetic hair wigs.
The price also increases if the human hair is virgin human hair and if your synthetic hair is heat resistant. These are things to take note of when looking at the price of your Swiss lace front wig.
02. The Texture of The Wig Hair
Human wig hair comes in various textures and each texture comes at a cost. These range from Indian, Brazilian, Peruvian, and even Malaysian hair and refers to where the hair is sourced from and the qualities of each type of hair.
03. The Length of The Wig Hair
Yes, you definitely pay for inches. Unfortunately, longer wigs definitely cost more than your shorter wigs. So getting a 28-30 inches long Swiss lace front wig might require a bit of saving.
04. The Density Of The Wig Hair
Lastly, the density refers to the thickness of the hair of the wig. Wig hair density also plays a role in whether a Swiss lace front wig’s price inflates or deflates.
05. The Price
Swiss lace is ranked as one of the highest-quality wig bases that boast a breathable mesh wig cap. Many vendors may claim that their lace is Swiss, yet affordable, and may charge between $10-$20 for a half or full yard. This is often not the real Swiss lace, so always be mindful of the price when buying Swiss lace wigs.
Want to learn more about lace front wigs? Check out our article here!
Final Thoughts
Swiss lace is definitely the way to go when it comes to the lace wig range. It is the most affordable while offering similar qualities to the best type of lace in the range. It is also the most commonly used in lace wigs so finding your perfect Swiss lace wig shouldn’t be too difficult.