How Much Are Hair Extensions In The UK?

Hair extensions make a world of a difference to your natural hair whether you are bored, fancy adding some length to your short locks, perhaps you want to add some extensions to your to make it thicker. But wait, is my boredom going to break the bank? How much do hair extensions cost here in the UK?

Here is the thing, the price of hair extensions will vary depending on the method, amount, length and type of hair you decide but the average cost of hair extensions is between £160 and £500. The cheaper options being clip-in and tape-in hair extensions can range from £80 to £160. Professional glued-in extensions prices are between £470 up to £3,000 for a full-head of extra-long, permanent, cold-fusion extensions with virgin hair.

There are many types of hair extensions out there and the product has come on hugely in design over the last five years. But the question remains, What are my options and how much do they cost?

I know, information overload! This article will guide through the different methods, amount, length and type of hair extensions and their costs to make things easier for you when you select your choice of hair extensions.

The Costs of Hair Extensions by the method of application:

TypeAverage Cost
Clip in £80 – £630
Tape in£160
Sew in£215
Weave£80 – £470
Fusion£160 – £780
Glue in£240 – £390
Bonded£1170- £2345
Micro-Bead or Micro-Ring£160

Clip-in hair extensions (£80 – £630)

Clip-in wefts or otherwise known as clip-in hair extensions, come in bundles of hair attached at the base with either fabric or silicone. Clips are then attached to this base and ready for use! These extensions are a great option for those not wanting to spend too much on altering their look occasionally. The best part is, you can apply them on your own!

These hair extensions are best suited for medium to thick hair. They can last for up to a year if well cared for. Pros: Easiest to put on and remove. Can wear temporarily without damaging your natural hair. Cons: May slip out while wearing if you get cheap clips.

Tape-in hair extensions (£160)

Tape in extensions are the most popular hair extension trend on the marke as this method is 100% natural and requires no tools or chemicals that can cause damage to your hair. Tape in hair extensions are thin wefts about 1 inch wide and taped at the base. These get “taped-in” in between your own hair, almost like a “sandwich” bond. 

These hair extensions are best suited for medium to thick hair. They can last for about 6 – 8 weeks. Pros: The application process is quick and the wefts lay flat against the head making for a natural look and hiding the bonds. Cons: upon removal, if not done professionally can leave a sticky residue and if not adequately cared for and maintained can tangle easily.

Sew-in extensions (£215)

These hair extensions are best suited for thick hair. They can last for up to 6 weeks. Pros: They are one of the most affordable types of hair extensions, and they do not damage your hair as there is no heat used in the application. Cons: This application could add pressure to the scalp and can lead to hair breakage and damage over long periods of time.

Real hair weave (£80 – £470)

These hair extensions are best suited for thicker hair. If well kept can last up to 2 months. Pros: They are one of the most natural-looking. They are more durable and therefore are stay in well. Cons: When attached to braids, they can feel painful and cause scalp irritation, it can also possibly lead to damaged and broken hair over time.

Fusion hair extensions (£160 – £780)

Fusion hair application uses 2 different methods: the hot fusion method uses keratin glue to bond the extensions to the hair, or cold fusion, this is slightly simpler as micro-loops or rings are used and there is no heat applied but rather pliers that clamps the loop closed and secure it to the hair.

These extensions are suited for all hair types. They can last for 3 months and if properly maintained they can last longer. Pros: They are one of the most natural-looking application because the bonds used in this application are nearly invisible. Cons: If the extensions are not removed properly, they can lead to severe hair damage and breakage.

Glued-in extensions (£240 – £390)

These hair extensions are best suited for medium to thick hair. They can last for up 8 weeks if properly cared for. Pros: The bonds used in this method of application blend in well with your hair creating a seamless natural look. Cons: The product used in the removal of these bonds is acetone and they can weaken your hair if not done professionally.

Bonded extensions (£1170- £2345)

These extensions are suitable for any hair type and can last for up to 6 months is adequately maintained. Pros: This kind is highly durable and causes less damage to your natural hair if heat is not used (because there are different bonding agents i.e. Keratin bonds etc.). Cons: They are high maintenance as they demand monthly appointments for upkeep and care.

Micro-bead extensions (£160)

These hair extensions are best suited for thinner hair and can last for up to 6 months. Pros: This product is durable and long-lasting. Additionally, they do not damage the hair as they are lightweight Cons: In order for them to be long-lasting is that they do require extra care during styling and maintenance appointments at least every month or two to for upkeep and adjustments to the replacement (as the hair grows).

The Cost of Hair Extensions by the length and type of hair.

For a fuller, longer look, thicker and longer hair extensions are placed on the sides and the back of the head starting from below the crown to the nape of the neck. Depending on the length and thickness of your natural hair and the desired thickness and length, the number of bundles/extensions required will differ.

Synthetic hair extensions are more affordable and weather-resistant. They cost on average £4.50 per bundle/extension. However, you are limited in the way you can style your hair as you cannot apply heat to it.

100% human hair is always a better option, although it is more pricey initially; long-term they are more cost-effective and look way more natural. On average, real human hair extensions cost £6to £11 per bundle/extension depending on the type of extensions you buy. It could cost up to £1250 for virgin hair as well as having a professional apply them. attach them for you, which is necessary especially for fusion-style methods.

There are various types of human hair that can be selected, some of the most popular types include; Eurograde (IndianTemple) Hair, Brazillian Virgin (naturally curly hair) and Virgin Russian Hair or you can use synthetic hair.

Eurograde (Indian Temple) Hair Extensions

Length ReachPrice per bundle
14 inchapproximately just above the bra strap£6.00
16 inchapproximately bra strap£6.50
18 inchapproximately 2 inches below bra strap£7.00
20 inch approximately waist length£8.00

Virgin Russian Hair Extensions

LengthReachPrice per bundle
10 inchapproximately shoulder length£8.00
12 inchapproximately just below shoulder length£8.50
14 inchapproximately just above the bra strap£8.75
16 inchapproximately bra strap£9.00
18 inchapproximately 2 inches below bra strap£9.50
20 inchapproximately waist length£10.00

Brazilian Virgin Hair Extensions

LengthReachPrice per bundle
14-15 inchesApproximately between shoulder and bra strap length£11.00

The above tables give you an idea of how much are you are going to spend when it comes to creating your new look. What is really great is that you can set your own budget depending on the thickness and length you desire. The question still remains, how much is enough?

Guidelines for the number of bundles required

Again, the number of bundles is all dependent on the length and thickness or look which you are trying to achieve. The question still remains, how many bundles is enough?

Those with short hair and those with thicker and longer hair will require a full head of extensions. A full head of extensions consists of around about 100-200 bundles of hair (5-9 packs of hair – assuming that each pack consists of 20 bundles)

Those with Finer hair will require a 3 quarter head of extensions to achieve a thicker/fuller look. To achieve thickness, 100-140 bundles of hair will be required (4-7 packs – assuming that each pack consists of 20 bundles

Those with fine hair looking to achieve a thicker/fuller look and want to add length will require a half head of extensions. This is usually anything between 100 -120 bundles of hair (5- 6 packs)


Hey, I’m Jodie, the gal behind CraftyHairHacks. I have a deep passion for hair extensions, hairstyles, and almost anything that has to do with hair, which leads me to the writing and research I do for this website daily. Our site is still small, however, we’re pushing to get the best hair hacks out to as many as people as possible. ENJOY!

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