Are Hair Extensions Halal or Haram?

Have you thought about wanting to change your look by investing in some long, luscious hair extensions but are not too sure if it’s permissible or not by your religion? I did some research and here’s what I found.

Wearing wigs or hair extensions that consist of human hair or pig hair is prohibited in Islam by consensus. However, it is permissible in the Hanafi Madhhab to wear non-human hair. Therefore, it is haram to wear extensions made from human hair, but halal to wear extensions that are non-human or animal, provided it is not from a pig.

Halal and haram are universal terms that apply to all aspects of life. These are terms that are used with regards to food products, meat products, cosmetics, personal care products, pharmaceuticals, food ingredients, and food contact materials. To find out more about how you can still wear extensions without offending your religion, keep reading!


Halal is an Arabic term that can be briefly translated to mean ‘permissible or lawful in Islam’.


This is the opposite of halal, this is another Arabic term which briefly means ‘Impermissible, sinful or Unlawful in Islam’.

Conditions and Differences:

1. It is haram to wear wigs or hair extensions which are made from human hair.

2. Should the hair come from non-human sources such as from a pure animal then it is permissible. However, the ruling varies over the madhhabs:

  • The Hanafi’s consider it permissible as related on behalf of Abu Yusuf
  • The Maliki’s consider it forbidden
  • The Shafi’s allow it. However, women are only allowed to do so for their husbands
  • The Hanabalis took the same opinion as to the Malikis. However, there is another statement, attributed to them, that considers it disliked

3. If the source of the hair is impure, across all madhhabs; it is considered forbidden.

4. It is permissible if the hair is synthetic. However, women should seek their husbands’ council. Additionally, it should only be worn for beautification, not for false identification/deceit/trickery.


Wearing wigs and hair extensions is haram because it is associated with trickery and deception; which should be kept away from as it is referred to as “falsehood”.

Some circumstances where it is haram:

  1. If you are born with a defect that causes you to have abnormal/no hair.
  2. If you are struggling with an illness that causes you to lose your hair such as cancer (Chemotherapy will then cause hair loss).
  3. If you were in an accident such as being burnt.

Hair Thinning and Hair Loss: the causes and how to prevent it

Hair thinning and hair loss are one of the reasons other than for beauty, that we would want to invest in some longer, fuller hair extensions.

However, due to wearing such things being haram; let’s try to understand the cause of hair loss/thinning and how to prevent it.

Hair loss/thinning is usually caused by one or more of the following reasons:

Family history-most common cause
-male/female-pattern baldness
-occurs gradually with age
-identified as a receding hairline and bald spots in men and thinning hair in women
Hormonal changes and medical conditions-pregnancy
-thyroid complications
-alopecia areata; can cause patchy hair loss, scalp infections and a hair-pulling disorder
Medications and supplements-side effect due to drugs like chemotherapy (ask doctor for a cooling cap -can reduce hair loss)
-medications used to treat: depression, arthritis, gout, blood pressure and heart problems
Stress-physical or emotional shock can cause hair thinning/loss
Some Hairstyles and treatments-excessive styling
-hairstyles that pull hair tightly i.e. pigtails, cornrows
-hot oil treatments
-excessive hair dying (chemicals in the dye damage hair)
Other:-sudden weight loss
-poor diet

Tips, tricks and hacks to prevent hair thinning and hair loss

  1. Avoid tight hairstyles, such as braids, buns or ponytails
  2. Treat your hair gently when washing and brushing (wide-toothed comb may help prevent pulling)
  3. Avoid harsh treatments (i.e. hot rollers, perms, curling irons)
  4. Stop smoking. Some studies show a link between smoking and hair loss
Here’s a video on how to fight hair loss/thinning

Powerful Home Remedies For Hair Growth and Thickening that are Halal

So we have discussed what not to do, let us see what alternatives there are to hair extensions that are halal and will provide us with the length and thickness we desire!

Aloe VeraContains proteolytic enzymes that repair dead skin cells on the scalp. It promotes hair growth, prevents itching on the scalp, reduces dandruff and conditions your hair.
Onion JuiceSulfur promotes the production of collagen proteins (helps hair growth). It can assist with the treatment of:
alopecia treatment
– inflamed, dry, or itchy scalp
– hair loss
– dandruff
– thinning hair
– dry or brittle hair
– prematurely graying hair
– scalp infection
Apple Cider VinegarKeeps the scalp clean and healthy, prevents infections and dandruff which accelerates hair growth and maintains pH
EggProvide hair with necessary proteins for hair growth and the growth of new hair of new hair. Additionally, the egg contains essential nutrients ts for hair (i.e. sulfur, zinc, selenium, iron, phosphorus, etc.)
Green TeaContains Vitamin B which promotes hair health as it aids in controlling split ends, softening, and strengthening hair follicles. Drinking green tea, as well as the direct application of green tea to the hair, helps in the absorption of Vitamin B.
Vitamin E oilHas antioxidant properties and improves the oxygen supply to the scalp which accelerates hair growth.
Potatoe JuiceAids in thickening of hair especially
Coconut MilkPacked with vitamins C, E, B1, B3, B5, and B6 as well as iron, selenium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and essential fats which are important in the prevention of hair loss and breakage/damage.
FenugreekAccelerates hair growth, fights stubborn dandruff, gives your hair shine, and can prevent premature grayness.
HennaA natural conditioner; it softens and smoothens dry hair. Henna also strengthens the root of the hair and aids in improving the health of hair follicles. This helps lessen hair loss and prevents and corrects hair thinning.
Banana and HoneyBanana and honey works as a conditioner and moisturizes the hair. This will help with frizzy hair, dandruff, and hair growth.

Home remedies for changing the colour of your hair that are halal:

If it is not so much the length or the thickness of hair that you wish to change, but rather to add some color.

Here’s a list of halal things you can use to alter the color of your hair:

  • carrot juice – reddish-orange tint
  • beet juice – deeper red tint with cooler undertones
  • henna
  • lemon juice – slowly strips the hair of its pigment (lightens your hair)
  • coffee- darkens hair and can cover some grey hairs
  • sage- deepens shades of browns
  • chamomile tea- lightens your hair (most effective on blonde/ lighter hair)

An Alternative: Natural hair dye brands

If you don’t want to use the beet juice or the henna or any other of the above-listed things, then there are a few available natural hair dyes for purchasing.

These natural hair dyes are made without any chemicals that could cause possible damage to your hair. which is another reason why hair dye is haram; as it causes damage and harm to the natural self.

However, ALWAYS check the ingredients on the back of the packaging for any harmful toxins and chemicals. Avoid the hair dyes that contain: parabens, ammonia, and sulfates.

Some brands you can try include:


Hey, I’m Jodie, the gal behind CraftyHairHacks. I have a deep passion for hair extensions, hairstyles, and almost anything that has to do with hair, which leads me to the writing and research I do for this website daily. Our site is still small, however, we’re pushing to get the best hair hacks out to as many as people as possible. ENJOY!

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