Wigs DO Get Split Ends: Here’s Why & 7 Ways To Prevent It!

Although wigs are often seen as a no-fuss, wear-and-go option they actually require a lot more care and attention than natural hair would! One of the main questions that gets asked is “Can my wig get split ends?”. I’ve gone ahead and researched this topic so that I could provide you with an answer to this question!

Both synthetic and human hair wigs can get split ends, especially if you regularly use hot styling tools on the hair. Since wig hair cannot repair itself like natural hair, the damage done through heat styling and general wear and tear is permanent and this includes split ends. To prevent this, always air dry your wig and avoid using hot styling tools.

If you are considering investing in a wig there are some important things you need to take note of when it comes to split ends. Keep on reading to learn more about how you can prevent this from happening to your wig.

Why Do Wigs Get Split Ends?

Our scalps usually produce a natural oil called sebum to lubricate our hair strands and nourish the hair. This doesn’t happen with wigs because the hair isn’t growing from our scalp!

Wigs typically get split ends due to the usage of hot styling tools, as the heat damages the hair and saps the moisture, resulting in brittle, split ends. Since wigs do not receive natural oils and nutrients from the scalp, it will not repair like natural hair and the damage is permanent.

Synthetic wigs don’t have a source of moisture either as they are made from synthetic fibers. These types of wigs are naturally dry and poor hair-care can result in breakage and split ends.

That is why it is so important to make sure you are looking after your wig properly and giving it the extra attention it needs to keep it in pristine condition.

What Causes Split Ends?

As I mentioned earlier, human hair wigs will naturally split after a while but there could be other contributing factors that are speeding up the process and making them worse.

Split ends occur when the ends of your hair become brittle, dry, and frayed. This typically happens when the hair has been exposed to harsh environmental conditions, as well as hair care techniques that involve exposure to high levels of heat, such as blow-drying and straightening. Split ends may also be caused by certain chemical hair products.

There are three main causes of split ends on wigs.

1. Heat. If you apply a lot of heat to your human hair wig when drying and styling it this could be causing split ends. Excessive heat styling will wear away at the protective outer layer of the hair cuticle and cause split ends to form. Heat styling will also dry out your hair making it more brittle and prone to breakage.

The excess heat will dry out the hair further and can cause the strands to lose any moisture they have. The lack of moisture and dryness will result in split ends.

2. Harsh products. Using very harsh hair care products on your wig could also be the cause of the split ends. If you are using hair dye, gels, waxes and hair sprays, and regular shampoo and conditioner on you wig these products could be damaging the hair and causing the split ends.

Harsh products, when used on synthetic and human hair wigs, can be extremely damaging and strip the hair of any moisture. These products can also thin out the hair and leave it feeling rough and brittle which will make it more prone to breakage and split ends.

3. Being too rough with your hair. One needs to be extra careful and gentle when handling wigs as the hair will not naturally restore itself.

Too much friction during the washing and drying process could be damaging the hair and causing split ends. When the hair is exposed to too much friction, through rough brushing, washing, and drying the hair strands can become weak over time and snap, break and fray.

How to Prevent Split Ends And Protect Your Wig

The best way to prevent split ends and protect your wig is to be especially gentle with it after washing. Never rub your wig vigorously, as this can damage the hair and cause split ends. Most importantly, keep your hair hydrated at all times by using a good leave-in conditioner, and avoid hot styling tools if you can.

1. Use the correct tools. Always use brushes and combs that are specially designed for use on wigs. These brushes should have a rubber or silicone caps on the end of each bristle and the combs should be wide-toothed to prevent snagging and static.

Using the recommended brushes will prevent the hair from splitting and prevent the wig from becoming dull and frizzy.

2. Brush your hair correctly. Tangled hair can cause your wig to look frizzy and dry. Usually, tangled hair makes split ends look worse than they actually are, so make sure you are brushing your wig correctly and regularly.

To get your wig tangle-free without breaking or snapping off strands of hair it is recommended that you brush or comb the hair in a downwards motion. Always divide the hair into more manageable sections and start brushing at the ends of the hair and work your way up to the roots or wig cap.

3. Too much heat styling. Your split ends may be caused by heat damage! Try and use as little heat as possible when styling your human hair extensions. Too much heat can cause irreversible damage to your wig. 

Instead of using a hairdryer to dry your human hair wig, try letting it air dry and instead of using a curling iron to get curls, try braiding the hair while it is wet!

4. Wash and dry your wig carefully. It is vital that you are extra gentle when washing and drying your wig. Too much scrubbing at the wig when shampooing and too much friction on the wig when towel-drying could cause the wig to tangle and the hair to break.

When washing your wig try to massage in the shampoo very gently, there is no need for the shampoo to foam up. When you get to the drying stage, rather squeeze the hair gently to drain the water, and then wrap it in a soft towel or old t-shirt to absorb any excess water.

5. Invest in your products. Always try as hard as possible to invest in your wig-care products.

Try to stick to wig-friendly products as many regular drugstore brands meant for natural hair could be too strong for wig hair. You should be using more gentle and natural products that are sulfate and paraben-free.

6. Condition and moisturize. As your wig hair will not produce the natural oils and moisture that hair needs, you need to provide that moisture. Use a rich and nourishing conditioner during the wig washing process to smooth the hair and make it easier to manage. Focus the conditioner primarily on the ends of the hair.

As wig hair cannot actually absorb moisture, you should include a hair oil in your routine that will seal and separate the ends of your hair and add a bit of shine and gloss.

Try and stick to products that have ingredients such as jojoba oil, shea butter or argan oil as these are a good source of moisture. You will only need to put about a drop of the oil through the ends of your wig to achieve this look.

7. Trim. If you are not winning with your split ends and the damage is too far gone to manage, you may have to consider having your wig trimmed by a professional hairstylist.

Remember, you can only do this a few times as the hair won’t grow back and you will be losing a few inches off the length each time!

Just remember, taking care of your wig regularly is easier than trying to restore a wig that is already damaged!


Hey, I’m Jodie, the gal behind CraftyHairHacks. I have a deep passion for hair extensions, hairstyles, and almost anything that has to do with hair, which leads me to the writing and research I do for this website daily. Our site is still small, however, we’re pushing to get the best hair hacks out to as many as people as possible. ENJOY!

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